"There Was Eru, The One"
- J.R.R Tolkien
I've been working for a few days now on the
first title of the epic sized opus I'm trying to achieve. Symphonic
music with some hybrid elements, telling one of the most compelling
modern mythical tale ever conceived, The Silmarillion's uncountable
tales and details poured into music in a yet unknown level of detail.
Regarding the first title, finally I've decided to "cut back" the scope of the first title, and instead of depicting the Ainulindalë I'll
rather concentrate on Eru Iluvatar only. Giving a first long part to
the Creator of the tolkienesque universe, I think I couldn't really go
another way around. The conceiving one omnipotent mind of all the
happenings of the world, deserves a whole title.
tell you a little bit about how currently the composition is going.
Opens with a slow musical scale intro and drives into a strong and clear
fanfare part (as you could imagine). Then it turns to the Love Eru is
showing in his mind for all the yet to be created beings and things in a
more emotional part written in a major key (hopefully you won't feel it
too happy, but rather as the strong emotional, spiritual and rational
care and sign for all the yet to come). Then the music turns into an
epic minor key, to put a sight on the Historical details that start to
form in the all knowing mind, right before creating the Ainur from his
thoughts to start forming reality.
that's how this is going. Needs so much care, the bar is set so high. I
can't tell you how hard it is to imagine that I can live up to these
standards. But we will see. The first title's first public version is
nearing steadily. :-) I wish I could show you something already, but I
want it perfect, at least perfect for a first version (I'm sure it's
going to change when the whole Symphonic Tale will get into further
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